About the Event

The disAbility Law Center of Virginia (dLCV) is excited to announce our virtual disAbility Rights and Resources Summit, taking place on October 10th, 2024, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. This event is free and open to the public who wants to learn more about the resources and services available to the disability community.

The theme of this year's Summit is "Determine Your Future." People with disabilities are often sidelined in their own care, their own services, and their own communities. We at dLCV are committed to supporting and enhancing the voices of people with disabilities. They are the experts of their own needs and are the ones who should be at the front and center of these conversations. This summit is all about promoting resources and strategies to make you the best self-advocate you can be.

Our summit will feature four main tracks that focus on the specific needs and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. These tracks were selected based on feedback from our community and include:

  • Institutional Rights
  • Community-Based Services
  • Transition and Education Services
  • Voting Rights

Sessions will be led by dLCV staff as well as presenters from other organizations. This is a wonderful opportunity for people with disabilities and their loved ones to connect with valuable community resources that support independent and integrated community living. We anticipate around 300 attendees, all working towards the shared goal of building a more inclusive society. Join us to learn more about disability issues and how we can work together to create a Commonwealth free of barriers for individuals with disabilities.

We look forward to seeing you there!



time iconOctober 10, 2024 09:00 am

2024 Keynote Speaker: Determine Your Future

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Zipporah Levi-Shackleford, Founder & Consultant of the Creative Approach Development Center.

Zipporah Levi-Shackleford will introduce our 2024 Summit and its theme: Determine Your Future. dLCV's mission is centered around principles of independence, choice, self-determination and autonomy for people with disabilities, which is why we selected this theme. Zipporah exemplifies this in her work both with dLCV's PAIMI (Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness) Council, and with her work as founder of the Creative Approach Development Center.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:00 am

Voting 101: En Español

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Lydia English, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Participa con nosotros y aprende más acerca de Votar en Virginia: las acomodaciones disponibles en los lugares de votación, e información actual sobre el proceso electoral para las Elecciones del 2024. Esta será una buena sesión , con tiempo para preguntas y respuestas.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:30 am

Voting 101: Accommodations, Deadlines and What to Expect

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Beth Klein, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Join us to learn more about voting in Virginia, including the accommodations available at each voting site and current information about the election process for the 2024 Elections. This will be a robust discussion with plenty of time for questions and answers.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:45 pm

Voting Surveys: Celebrating Virginia’s Voting Successes

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Rachel Loria, Senior Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

This presentation will focus on dLCV’s voting accessibility survey, how we process the data, and the results that we achieve with our data. We will speak about improvements in terms of voting rights, and summarize changes dLCV is still advocating for.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 03:15 pm

Virginia's Voter Disenfranchisement and the Next Fight for Liberation

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Sheba Williams, Executive Director at NoLef Turns

This session will be look at the history of voter disenfranchisement in Virginia as a means of controlling power. We will investigate how this impacts those convicted of felony offenses, those with behavioral health diagnoses and disabilities. 

We'll examine:

- Who is broadly disenfranchised

- The long road to amend our Virginia Constitution to ensure that every eligible Virginian can engage in the civic process that impacts them

- What's at stake in the future for Virginia when individuals are pushed out of the civic process. 

This session will connect the dots to understand how we move further together and what next steps should be to ensure everyone's voices are given a place in our democracy. 

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:00 am

Medicaid Service Denials and Appeals

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John Cimino, Attorney at dLCV

This presentation will cover Medicaid member rights when Medicaid covered services are denied, reduced, or terminated. It will focus on Medicaid Waiver services, but the discussion will be relevant to other Medicaid-related decisions as well. Participants will be better able to identify their rights during Medicaid denials and appeals, and will be better able to advocate for themselves during the appeals process.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:30 am

Advocating for Your Right to Have a Designated Support Person in Medical Care Facilities

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Virginia Pharis, Data and Incident Review Unit Manager at dLCV

Are you (or a loved one) a person with a disability who sometimes needs help in a medical care setting? Then here's the session for you. Come and learn what a Designated Support Person is, how they can support people with disabilities, and how their access extends far beyond visitation! Don't wait until your next emergency—learn your rights today.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:45 pm

Post-Entitlements to Overpayments: What Now?

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Beth Klein, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Managing your Social Security Benefits and Working can be challenging. This session will delve into the different work incentives available and how to avoid a potential overpayment. Participants will review Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

time iconOctober 10, 2024 03:15 pm

Effective Ways to Self-Advocate When Applying for a Social Security Disability Benefit or Appealing a Denial

Navigating the Social Security Administration’s complex eligibility rules is daunting! This presentation will provide key tips that will help you prove your case whether you are starting the application process or appealing a denial. You will also be introduced to our online social security resource page that you can use along the way as well as other resources available to you when seeking to obtain or maintain a benefit. Let us help you through the maze!

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:00 am

Unlocking Futures: Ensuring Educational Access for Institutionalized Children

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Hank Bostwick, Senior Supervising Attorney at Legal Aid Justice Center

This presentation delves into the critical issue of educational access for children in institutions, emphasizing their right to quality education regardless of their circumstances. With a special emphasis on special education, we will explore the legal framework, challenges, and best practices in ensuring educational continuity for institutionalized children. This presentation aims to equip participants with an understanding of the educational rights of incarcerated or detained youth and practical strategies necessary to support and advocate for the Commonwealth's most vulnerable children.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:30 am

Championing Human Rights: A Practical Overview of Virginia's Regulations and Complaint Process

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Hannah Setzer, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Join us for an engaging and informative presentation on the human rights regulations established by the Office of Human Rights within the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in Virginia. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the human rights protections in place to safeguard individuals, as well as provide instructions on how to file complaints while receiving services from DBHDS (Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services) facilities and programs.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:45 pm

Navigating the Healthcare System: Self-Advocacy and More

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Carol Driskill, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV,

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Christina Brookman, Self-Advocate

How do we navigate the health care system for ourselves and our families? The speakers will share their professional and personal journeys as advocates. This session will discuss tips to advocate in both outpatient and inpatient settings as well as discuss Medicaid Waivers/Consumer directed care.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 03:15 pm

Demystifying the Involuntary Commitment Process

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Nicole Durose, Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Virginia's mental health crisis system can be confusing and stressful, particularly to those who are in the greatest need of help. This session will provide an overview of the process, the rights protections in place, and the various complaint mechanisms available for when rights are violated.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 10:00 am

Pre Employment Transition Services: High School is Finished, Now What?

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Rachel Loria, Senior Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

This presentation will focus on what pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) should include and how to access Pre-ETS services.  

We also cover how dLCV has advocated for Pre-ETS services in the past, and how we can help clients with using our Client Assistance Program (CAP).

time iconOctober 10, 2024 11:30 am

Inclusive Education: The Role of Advocates in Student Accommodations

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Joliefawn Liddell, Senior Disability Rights Advocate at dLCV

Welcome to "Inclusive Education: The Role of Advocates in Student Accommodations," a Session dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of students with disabilities navigating college life. In this Session, we interview two inspiring students who openly discuss the highs and lows of their journey through higher education. They share the positive impact of supportive accommodations, such as accessible campus facilities, understanding professors, and helpful technology.

However, they also shed light on the challenges they face, including bureaucratic hurdles, occasional lack of awareness or sensitivity, and the ongoing struggle to ensure their needs are met. Join us as we delve into their unique perspectives, learn from their resilience, and explore ways to make higher education more inclusive for everyone. Whether you're a student, educator, or advocate, this Session provides valuable insights and practical tips for fostering an accessible and supportive learning environment.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 01:45 pm

Supported Decision Making Agreements—A Useful Alternative to Guardianship

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Michael Gray, Attorney at dLCV

This presentation will explain how Virginians with disabilities and their families can (as many are) use Supported Decision Making Agreements to ensure that their loved ones with disabilities will have the supports they need to live safely and responsibly without the need for harsh and expensive guardianship arrangements.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 03:15 pm

Understanding IDEA Procedural Safeguards and the Role of Self-Advocacy

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Kendra Wormley, Transition to Adulthood Project Coordinator at PEATC

Federal law provides parents and students with procedural safeguards to protect their rights when it comes to special education services. Learn about those rights and about building self-advocacy skills that can help your child advocate for themselves in IEP meetings, transition meetings, and more.

time iconOctober 10, 2024 04:30 pm

Closing Remarks with Self-Advocate Charlotte Woodward

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Charlotte Woodward, Self-Advocate

Charlotte Woodward will deliver the closing remarks for our 2024 Summit, and will share some sentiments about her own experiences as a self-advocate in various capacities. Charlotte serves as a member of the dLCV board, volunteers on the dLCV Resource Development Committee, and recently was a keynote speaker at the 2024 World Down Syndrome Congress!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you’ll need to fill out our registration form to gain access to the event. Please fill in the registration form with some basic information to get started.
The information you provide upon registration will only be used to establish you as a user on the platform and to create your login credentials. It will not be used for any other purposes.
Yes, the vFairs platform is compatible with any computer or mobile device and any browser.
Yes, this event is completely free to attend, but we are very appreciative of any donations, as they allow us to continue to put on events like this.
The event will be on demand indefinitely, however we may make updates and changes to the platform periodically. Make sure to keep checking back in to see our newest features in action!
The entire event will have live captioning by Hamilton Relay. If you need any other accommodations, you can request these accommodations during the registration process. In order to honor these requests, please ensure you register and share your needs by September 19, 2024.